I was born and raised in the church. I was saved at the age of 9 at a Bible Camp in Wisconsin. I was called into the ministry at age 15, leaning towards Christian counseling in quest of the understanding and resolve of this big question… physically or emotionally, WHY DO PEOPLE HURT EACH OTHER? Knowing that the answer to this question could literally banish every problem in the world,… WHY? Because we, as humans, created by God, have only 2 BASIC NEEDS IN LIFE: to GIVE LOVE to others and to RECEIVE LOVE from others. All of life's dealings, good or evil, revolve around the abundance or the lack of these 2 expressions. It's no more complex than that!
So, why do people hurt each other? As a graduate of Bible College with a B.A. in Bible, a Minor in Psychology, a Minor in Counseling, and for years now, studying Systems of compatibility, I've come to solid conclusions as to why some people click and some CLASH! Even the Apostle Paul said, As much as it is "WITHIN YOUR POWER", get along with all men, which suggests we WON'T get along with everyone and that we were never meant to! Most people we meet shouldn't move passed the circle of "casual acquaintance". It's not spiritually beneficial. As experience has shown us, few will make it into our circle of close friends. How many close friends found out they couldn't be roommates? The mate you choose is most crucial. As hindsight becomes 20/20, you remember what you've lost, physically, emotionally, and financially.
The Chinese System of Compatibility is based upon Synergy, which is when the efforts of the "right 2 people" are combined, that the Successes Are Literally Multiplied, as compared to the individual efforts of the same two people. I interpet it this way… When the "right 2 people" connect, they bring out the best in each other without even trying. The Gifts that God has bless each of them with are not stiffled, criticized or ridiculed, but encouraged by the other (often times unconsciously) and without the ability to restrain it. Old Testament scriptures say it this way:
“One will put a thousand to flight, but two will put ten thousand to flight.”
We don't have this Old Testament synergy in our marriages. We fight against what God created our partner to accomplish. Most Christian Marriages today, couldn't push a piece of lint out of the way, much less move mountains!
A good friend and Pastor once told me this. He said, "Spending all of your time and energies into diagnosing what went wrong and how you can fix it, you become useless to God, and in that preoccupied state, Satan has you right where he wants you… Distracted and Powerless!" He was absolutely right! Child of God, our enemies should be on the outside of our homes, not on the inside where we should expect a Safe Retreat after the cold realities of some days.
I for one, am thankful for the Born-Again Christian Matchmaking Services that have given so many a relationship opportunity that they may not have experienced coming from a small church setting with a limited available prospects. But well meaning as they are, their success rates over the long haul have been lacking to the same degree as secular dating or matchmaking services. The reason is simply because they've used the world's techniques. We, at Love For a Lifetime rely solely on Biblical instruction and patterns all through scripture starting as early as Genesis Chapter 1:14 - 16. (Refer to the link below) How else could we give you such a perfect match, in every respect and offer a Lifetime Guarantee, if we were not first standing sure on the unchanging principles of the Word of God.
I'll bet you're wondering why America's divorce statistics are 10% lower than in the church. Shouldn't we as Christians be striving for higher standards? Yes, but often times it's our guilt that brings us to ruin. We, as Christians, not wanting to live a sexually sinful life, as to burn in Hell, are opting to do the 'right thing' by getting married before we're sure, thus we maintain our high rates of divorce in the church and UNDER GOD! Love For a Lifetime takes care of all these issues, as well as prevents you
from experiencing the destruction of the next Christian marriage. For most of us, marriage can potentially represent 50-75% of our Lifetime. If we choose to lean on our own understanding, and it's wrong, we've not only hurt ourselves, but also those who love us the most. When a home falls apart… the children become the broken pieces. Wouldn't that be the greatest of sins committed against God, as well as yourself? As Christians, wouldn't we be ashamed to stand before our Lord when we realize that the greatest spiritual battle in our lives has been our life's partner, which at one time we were so sure of, was 'God-Given'!
Truly, "We are laborers together with God", so get registered today and let Love For a Lifetime do our part in fulfilling what God has called you to accomplish… without interuption!